Mercy College - Using Hear Back PRO
See how Mercy College uses the Hear Back PRO
Marc Broussard - Easy To Love
Marc Broussard performing "Easy To Love" from his latest album 'Easy To Love' with the Hear Back PRO system at Esplanade Studios, New Orleans.
Michael Thompson Band - ‘72 Camaro
Michael Thompson Band recording ‘72 Camaro on the Hear Back PRO personal headphone monitor mixing system at Sphere Studios, Los Angeles.
Android Lust - UK Tour with Hear Back OCTO
In summer 2018 Android Lust toured the UK with the new Hear Back OCTO system
The NuttHouse Recording Studio
The NuttHouse Recording Studio checking out the Hear Back OCTO system
Esplanade Studios
Misha Kachkachishvili Recording Live with Hear Back PRO